Monday, July 06, 2009

2000 challengers!

the sensei is beside himself to announce that there are now over 2000 challengers taking part in the puzzles.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

1900 challengers

the sensei is delighted to announce that there are now over 1900 challengers taking part in the puzzles.

Monday, February 09, 2009

1800 challengers

the sensei is delighted to announce that there are now over 1800 challengers taking part in the puzzles. That's another 200 new players since the launch of movigami last week.

Friday, February 06, 2009

movigami launched

the sensei has unleashed the latest challenge to test his followers. movigami is a movie quotes quiz in the same vein as the recent musigami lyrics quiz.

players have to guess the movie from the quite on the screen. sound simple? well maybe, but the quote is jumbled into a word cloud, where words that appear more frequently in the quote are larger than other words.

want to try it? head to the login page and log in to play.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

movigami in beta test

hot on the heels of the highly popular musigami, which introduced the word-cloud concept to song lyrics quizzes, the sensei is pleased to announce his next fun challenge.

movigami, based on the same concept and style of puzzle, is a movie quote quiz. the new quiz is currently in beta test and is expected to launch by this weekend!

watch this space.

Friday, January 30, 2009

1600 challengers

the sensei is delighted to announce that there are now over 1600 challengers taking part in the puzzles. That's over 200 new players since the launch of musigami, three days ago.

Watch this space for another fun challenge, currently in the making.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1500 challengers

the sensei is delighted to announce that there are now over 1500 challengers taking part in the puzzles, with a significant number of new players joining as a result of the launch of musigami.