Monday, July 06, 2009

2000 challengers!

the sensei is beside himself to announce that there are now over 2000 challengers taking part in the puzzles.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

1900 challengers

the sensei is delighted to announce that there are now over 1900 challengers taking part in the puzzles.

Monday, February 09, 2009

1800 challengers

the sensei is delighted to announce that there are now over 1800 challengers taking part in the puzzles. That's another 200 new players since the launch of movigami last week.

Friday, February 06, 2009

movigami launched

the sensei has unleashed the latest challenge to test his followers. movigami is a movie quotes quiz in the same vein as the recent musigami lyrics quiz.

players have to guess the movie from the quite on the screen. sound simple? well maybe, but the quote is jumbled into a word cloud, where words that appear more frequently in the quote are larger than other words.

want to try it? head to the login page and log in to play.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

movigami in beta test

hot on the heels of the highly popular musigami, which introduced the word-cloud concept to song lyrics quizzes, the sensei is pleased to announce his next fun challenge.

movigami, based on the same concept and style of puzzle, is a movie quote quiz. the new quiz is currently in beta test and is expected to launch by this weekend!

watch this space.

Friday, January 30, 2009

1600 challengers

the sensei is delighted to announce that there are now over 1600 challengers taking part in the puzzles. That's over 200 new players since the launch of musigami, three days ago.

Watch this space for another fun challenge, currently in the making.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1500 challengers

the sensei is delighted to announce that there are now over 1500 challengers taking part in the puzzles, with a significant number of new players joining as a result of the launch of musigami.

musigami launched!

today sees the launch of musigami; a fun, alternative quiz to the main bimbogami challenges.

on the surface it's a simple song lyrics quiz. all you have to do is name the song from the lyrics you can see. but, as you would expect from the tricky sensei, there's a bit of a catch.

the song lyrics are represented in a 'word cloud', where all the words are mixed up on the screen. individual words that are repeated in the song appear larger then those that appear less often. oh, and all the words that appear in the title of the son'g have been removed...

have a look at the taster and you'll see what it's all about.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

musigami in beta testing

bimbogami is in the final stages of pre-launch preparation for the release of musigami - a new concept in song lyrics quizzes. it's intended as a fun diversion from the main bimbogami seasons, so it's a bit easier - but see if you can do it without using bimbogoogle.

all the puzzles have been prepared and beta testing is now in progress, so not long now.

launch date still tba but will be before the end of january 2009.
there will be a new taster puzzle launched at the same time.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

new features launched

the sensei is pleased to inform his worthy challengers of some improvements to the free puzzling experience that is bimbogami.

a slight facelift has been done to the landing area for the site; the sensei hopes you like it. this also means you can now log in directly from the landing page as well as gain quick access to the site and the new features from here too. this new style will be rolled out to the puzzle page, player statistics and hall of fame in the coming months.

secondly, and more importantly, the sensei is at last in a position to provide some free puzzling tools to help you solve puzzles, both on bimbogami and other sites, and create your own puzzles.

a newly launched 'puzzler tools' section, is accessible from the landing page. this contains the following tools:
caesar solver
this puzzler tool allows you to encode text using a caesar cipher and also helps you decode any caesar encoded text you have. this is easy to use and flexible.
scrabble solver
this puzzler tool allows your to enter up to 7 letters plus a wildcard and will provide you will a list of words that can be made from your letters. ideal for solving anagrams, word puzzles and playing word games.
random word generator
this puzzler tool will give you a random set of words. the sensei leaves it up to you what you would want some random words for, but would be delighted to hear what you use this for.

next in line for inclusion in puzzler tools will be the nonogram generator, which many have been eagerly awaiting.

if you have any comments on these tools, or suggestions for new tools you'd like to see, please let the sensei know.